
How does in game economy function?

PA key-value factor of Mazuri GameFi is a monetary reward system that is delivered through a solid, well-balanced economy supported by blockchain mechanics. An additional goal of the development team: stimulate human innovation and progress in the real world, using this virtual world as an experimental sandbox for economic and management research. Mazuri GameFI operates on a token system with the support of the Solana ecosystem

Mazuri GameFI provides a unique opportunity for players to extract in-game virtual earnings into real income. Where many game developers choose to monopolize asset ownership and allocation through resale restrictions, Mazuri Gamefi fully embraces the potential for decentralized self-sovereign asset ownership through blockchain asset ownership and NFT marketplaces.

The idea of the Mazuri Gamefi development team is to encourage the monetization of time spent in this virtual world and to highlight the ability of this monetization to expand beyond the game to the real world. Digital assets always remain in the ownership of the player and belong to him, and the earned crypto-assets can be converted into real currency without any problems. We and our colleagues believe this is a future gaming model.

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